Teaching at JPEC Equestrian Centre Jakarta, Indonesia.
Training Under Saddle
She concentrates on teaching correct position and balance, awareness of the rider's body and how it relates to what the horse is, or is not doing. Cath specialises in teaching Classical Dressage for competition or enjoyment. Basic jump training is also available, ensuring your horse arrives at the fence in a balanced frame.
Beginner lessons for new riders or those returning to riders include basic ground skills, leading, grooming and saddling - the important things that there is never time for in riding school lessons.
Find the confidence to cope with returning to riding as an older rider - the enjoyment without the pressure of having to compete. Learn to read the horse and the situation you are in, look, feel, think and have the skills to react accordingly with confidence.
Cath (ESNZ Grade 2/Performance coach - Dressage) offers training under saddle for riders of all levels.

4 Year old, re-breaking. Texas USA.

Riding a friends mule, Texas USA.

Andalusian Stallion, Ohio USA.

4 Year old, re-breaking. Texas USA.