About Cath
​New Zealand Horsewoman, Trainer & Coach, Writer & Artist.
Cath has a kind of magic; the ability to read a horse’s body language so she can ‘talk’ to horses about humans and talk to humans about horses. A hands-on approach that includes establishing an understanding with ‘problem’ horses and at times ‘problem riders’, then working to find solutions to improve communication and behaviour ensuring that the horse is working to his best physical abilities and is mentally in condition to respond to the riders requirements.
Her experience in the equine industry stems from her own business in New Zealand breaking in horses, training and teaching using natural horsemanship, round-pen and liberty work.
Her talent and innate curiosity has taken her all over the world enabling her to interact with a huge variety of animals and people, resulting in an extensive, well-rounded experience of all aspects of equitation.
On her travels she has been trained by and worked with a wide range of horse men and women. Her ability to absorb their teaching and distil their words, actions and skills has allowed her to create a diverse and informed training method, combining the best parts of training from different cultures.
Cath has had hands on experience in many fields, from freelance training in Dubai to managing an equestrian centre in Jakarta, teaching at a London Riding School to working at Ralvon Arabian Horse Stud in Australia, attending courses held by Captain Mark Phillips and Andrew Hoy to working with the Italian National Vaulting Team implementing new training methods for schooling their horses.
Over 40 years in the field have made her an expert in many aspects of horsemanship, with experience in dressage, show jumping, eventing, sidesaddle, film work, breaking in wild and untouched horses, riding in specially organized events, teaching riders from all disciplines, holding clinics on riding, horse management and horse behaviour.
Travel is a most welcome and enjoyed part of her life, as she is not only a horse person but also a ‘people person’. Her well developed public relations and communication skills combine easily with strong leadership and time proven training methods, which are woven together with a talent for the organization and planning of everyday instruction and a wide range of equestrian and promotional events.

Manawatu 2020 -current. Freelance teaching & Bowen.
Assistant on Five Hawks Stud, PRE horses, schooling, handling young stock, mares & stallions.. also deer, cattle & sheep. -
2016- 2019 Owner of North Canterbury Equestrian property offering agistment, grazing, in hand training, round pen work, lessons, hosting clinics etc.
2012-2016 Teaching Equine Bowen Therapy NZ
Bowen therapist for Equine, Canine, and human
Instructing , general riding, dressage and horse handing, ground skills/inhand work.
2011 Equine Bowen Therapist & Teaching NZ also Texas, Ohio and Finland.
2010 New Zealand – Equine Bowen Therapy Training, Fascial Kinetics (Human Bowen) Training, Human Anatomy & Physiology course
2009 Travelling and Teaching USA, UK, Finland.
2008 - Clinic in Ohio. USA – green/novice to High School horses & riders.
Training in Scotland & Italy. Instructing at Il Paretaio, Classical Riding School (Italy).
2007 -Training horses, various breeds & levels – Texas USA.
Managing Equestrian Centre, Jakarta, Indonesia.
Relief Instructing at Riding School, Jordan.
Freelance training/handling Dubai.
Own business breaking-in horses, training and teaching locally in New Zealand (natural horsemanship, round-pen and liberty work).
Specialising in problem horses and finding solutions to improve behaviour and ensure the horse is working to his utmost physical capabilities.
Horse handler for Massey University – Animal Health-Research section.
Horse training, breaking-in and teaching of Camargue Horses at Spiaggia Romea Hotel Resort, Lido delle Nazioni, Ferrarra, Italy.
Provided regular training and instruction in riding, dressage, lunging and show-jumping at “Il Fontanile Centro” Pisa, Italy.
Horse trainer for Pucci Rossi in Italy.
Private horse trainer and instructor in dressage and side-saddle riding.
Polo groom for Beau Broughton in Cambridge, NZ.
Worked for Tina Reed, one of New Zealand’s top dressage riders, involving stable management, grooming, lunging, riding and handling of young stock. Received instruction from Tina Reed, Louisa Hill and Clemens Dierks.
Taught at a London Riding School.
Organizing buying and selling of horses.
Grooming, riding and training event horses (including “Umptee”) for Andrew Scott. Received instruction from Bill Noble.
Worked on various Arabian Horse Studs in Australia (including Ralvon) involving schooling and handling all types of stock. Received instruction from Heath Ryan, NSW Equestrian Centre, riding Grand Prix dressage horses and show-jumping.
Attended courses by Captain Mark Phillips and Andrew Hoy
Skilled in performance displays, demonstrations and competition events nationally and internationally.
Ran the Trade Stand at 1999 Equitana, Germany, for Italian Hotel resort and Camargue Stud.
Rode in the “Spectacular” at FieraCavalli in Verona Italy in 1998 with the Camargue/Maremmano horse display. Also in the street parade to the central city.
Trained miniature horses for competition and tourist displays in New Zealand.
Competed on local New Zealand dressage circuit, showing, eventing etc.
Worked with Italian National Vaulting Team implementing new training methods for schooling their horses.
Held clinics on riding, show preparation, horse handling, giving inspiration and ideas using videos of overseas rider’s, horses and displays.
Trained with Glen Randall a Hollywood film trainer in Los Angeles.
Rode Peruvian horses in demonstrations and competitions astride and side-saddle in Texas, rode in Houston street parade.
Worked with top New Zealand Harness horse trainer Don Hayes.
Worked with liberty and trick horse trainer Evanna Chesson (Australia) on the film “Wildfire”, and "Star Runner" TV series- doubling and stunt riding.
Employed by N. Wells – a show-jumping and hunting stable.
Rode Arabian stallions at Australian National competitions and Sydney Royal Shows.
Involved in judging at various Pony Club events, judging breed classes, showing and dressage.
2018 & 2019 Host for ISBT Equine Bowen courses
2017,2018 & 2019 Host for Sharon May-Davis Dissection (4)
2016 Workshop with Graham Pennington - Bowen
2016 Tom Myers workshops Bowen
2016 Host for Sharon May-Davis Dissection & Biomechanics course
2015 Fascial Kinetics Injury Mangement course
2015 Workshops with Sharon May-Davis, Disection & Biomechanics.
2014 Workplace First Aid Certificate
2012 - ongoing- NZ Instuctor for "The European School of Equine Bowen Therapy" in New Zealand.
2011 The European School of Equine Bowen Therapy Practitioner
2011 Fascial Kinetics – A Bowen Therapy - Practitioner Certificate
2011 Workplace First Aid Certificate
2010 Applied Human Anatomy and Physiology course
2010 Work Place First Aid Certificate
2003 Intro to Equine Reproduction – Massey University New Zealand
2003 Equine Muscle Release Therapy Introductory Course
2002 Work Place First Aid Certificate
2001 Intro to Equine Nutrition and Health – Massey University NZ
2000 New Zealand Principles of Sports Coaching Cert – Level 2
New Zealand Equestrian Federation Coaching Cert – Level 2
1997 New Zealand Principles of Sports Coaching Cert – Level 1
New Zealand Equestrian Federation Coaching Cert – Level 1
1996 Pat Parelli Natural Horsemanship Clinic – Level 1
1994 Coaching Clinic by George Morris, USA Olympic Showjumping Trainer